Thursday, November 6, 2008

Developing a Class-Related blog

Moenika and I are in class wondering about all the different ways a person can die of boredom.

1.You could drown in your own drool.

2. You could fall asleep and suddenly fall forward onto your sharp pencil.

3.You could hear the word "cool" one time too many and your ears could explode.

4. Your teacher could walk up behind you and read this and you could die of embarrassment instead of boredom.


Lorraine and Kelly said...

That is hilarious, you sound like you're such a good student and really paying attention. Good for you.

Moe said...

Wow! That was great! Really really awkward, but funny!

Janna said...

Lorraine, this really happened to moe and i. It was dead embarrassing.

redheadsmom said...

That is just so funny. I die laughing every time I think of it.